Fred’s Corner

Bringing you the latest information from New Zealand politics and around the world.

Cabinet đź‘Ź Review đź‘Ź

Welcome to cabinet review. Today we will be reviewing the members of the new cabinet that was announced last week and sworn in officially yesterday. These are based on my own perceptions and judgments, that as per usual, have no real evidence or backing behind them. Jacinda Ardern While Ardern is good as a Prime…

The ACT Party and their education policy

While perusing the ACT manifesto from last election, one thing stood out to me. That was of course, their brilliant education policy during the 2020 election: “Provide every child with a student education account… Parents will be able to use it at any registered educational institution that will accept their child’s enrolment, public or private.…

The Real Problem with the Green School (and also the government)

You might recall about a month ago when James Shaw proudly announced the government had agreed to pour funding into the private Green School. You might also remember the uproar it caused. Teachers all over the country asking, “why is a private school getting hundreds of million dollars in funding when our own state schools…

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